Monday, June 13, 2011

Withdrawal symptoms???

For the last three days I have been experiencing a supposedly common withdrawal symptom of coming off of the medication I've been on.  Electrical pulses.  One website referred to this withdrawal symptom as "brain zaps".  That pretty accurate.  I was only on the medication for... I guess seven months.  I thought you had be on a high dose and for longer to have withdrawal symptoms!  Ugg!

I got up this morning early to get together with a friend and go shopping.  It doesn't hurt, but every time I move, turn my head, step to hard---zap.  My father-in-law keeps these shocking toys around to tease people with.  A fake pen, a gum zapper, a laser light.  I can't stand them.  Imagine if someone was following you around all day with one of these and zapping you every few steps.  It doesn't hurt, but you get really annoyed after a while.

I will be spending the rest of my afternoon NOT moving.

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