Sunday, June 12, 2011

Third Attempt

This is my third attempt at writing a blog. I never seem to stick with it, but every once in a while I have this overwhelming desire to express myself. Well, I can't sing, dance, play any sort of instrument, I have artistic ability on par with my dog, I'm still learning how to cook, according to a past roommate I have no fashion sense (hence buying clothes to express myself would be a waste of money), I'm not a speaker, and I'm really rather boring. I am never bored, but I am quite sure I am boring.

To tell you the truth, I warned my husband before we got married that I was boring. He told me he thought he was boring too, so it was fine with him. Guess what? He discovered he was not boring. He likes to be outdoors, play with the dog, play with fire, play baseball, play tennis, explore whatever country he is in, he is a talented writer; really I could go on. He has had to come to the realization that his wife is boring and he still has to stick things out with me until one of us keels over dead (we don't believe in divorce). Poor guy, and he still says he is head over heals in love with me. Go figure?

Well, as I'm sure you have discovered by now, I'm not the most talented writer either. I'm my husbands editor. No, I can't spell and I have no sense of grammar (I'm sure that is a sixth sense), but I usually do a pretty good job of content editing his articles. Ironically, my comments often mirror his editors. I'm flattered by this, but since I'm not the one getting paid to write the article, I won't take on airs.

To be quite honest, the reason I thought of writing today is because my husband and I are almost ready to consider a baby. After my being held up at gun point by a young man (probably after money for his drug habit) a year and a half ago, I got a little dose of anxiety. After being able to quit my job, get therapy and medication for six months, I have now been declared healthy.

My husband wants many kids and initially wanted to start trying right away. I was not on the same page as I was thinking maybe one kid at a time after five years. Now, three and a half years in, we are going to go for it. We will probably wait a few more months, but who knows, I feel ready.

Anyway, I'm thinking to just jot down my thoughts here for a while. There might be some politics and religion mixed in, but generally it will just be thoughts.

In my dreams, this will some day become a movie. But in reality, maybe three people will read it. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from Spain! Good start to the blog - keep it up!
