Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Realistic and positive

On an introspective and hypothetical note...  Have you ever sat though someone giving you advise in a very patronizing voice, and then they look at you over their glasses and say, "right?"  You know that if you answer in any other manner than the affirmative you are going to get it (a horrible look, another lecture, or you will be ignored when they find out you didn't take their "advice").  Isn't that annoying!  Even if some of what they are saying is not off base, but the tone of voice and what they say seems to mock you in your situation.  You just want to say, "Give me a break.  You might be right, but when you tell me your opinion like that... uh..."  But what you really say is, "That's interesting.  Huh."  Not to mention you NEVER go to them to talk about your day again!

An example that I have experienced over the years is my tendency to be more of an Eeyore than a Tigger (if all the world was Winnie the Pooh).  But ya know, I've never heard anyone say, "I think Eeyore should be more like Tigger."  No, most people enjoy different characters because that is what makes the story interesting and down right cute.  I will succeed that more people buy the Tigger stuffed animals than Eeyore stuffed animals, but that doesn't mean we should all be Tiggers.  

One caveat... I think I enjoy life a lot more than Eeyore, but I don't think any friend of mine would deny that I am right in saying I'm a more Eeyore character than a Tigger.  But allow me to smile and say, yeah, I might be more of an Eeyore, but I'll try to be the best friend I can as an Eeyore and try not to let my personality be an excuse to do wrong.

Oh, I'm so in the mom zone.  Tigger and Eeyore!!  ha ha.  :-)

There is so much more going on right now other than expecting baby.  Christmas, New Years, my husband's and my fourth anniversary, a good friend going through a tough time, meeting lots of fun new people, being apart of two mom's groups, cooking with my crock pot (that I love!!!), my husband is on a new schedule at work (not so fun), and more stuff I guess (I'm tired)....  That being said, the most humerus is being in my third trimester of pregnancy.  

People say I look small (maybe so), but the scale at the doctor's office says I've gained plenty and the fact that the waist on my maternity jeans is tight proves it.  I bought a pair of mom-ish maternity pants last week.  They are so comfy, but these are so ugly!  I wore them already and (sheepish look) I'm probably going to wear them again.  :-/  Have I digressed into mom jeans (they aren't jeans, but you get it)?  I desperately hope it's only a temporary slip.  I'm not the most stylish person to begin with, I'm not sure I can afford to go too much more down hill in the fashion department.  Well, they say your priorities change (and that's not altogether a bad thing), but I can hope, can't I, to keep a little style in my wardrobe?

I do love how helpful people are at the grocery store.  They see this pregnant lady trying to reach down into the back of the cart to put on the food items on the conveyor belt and some take pity.  Thank you for those of you who take pity on the pregnant.  Yet, as grateful as I am for help now, I am sure to be even more grateful when I have that little bitty baby with me.  

What they say about it being difficult to sleep in the third trimester is true (at least for me).  But I do believe it is also true that I am getting just as much sleep if not more than I will be getting in a few months.  So, I suppose this is prep time.  There is more to it.  I miss sleeping on my stomach, I have a old shoulder injury that bothers me since I have to sleep side, my hips hurt some nights, and so do my knees... even to the extent that I cannot sleep and must get up.  I sleep part of the night in my easy chair so I don't have to be on my side the whole night.  It helps some.  I got a massage at a spa the other day after waking up early in so much pain that I could not even sit in a chair, I had to stand for the pain to dissipate some (along with taking a couple reg. strength Tylenol).  None of this really bothers me though.  It's annoying, I'll tell you if you ask that I didn't sleep well (don't expect my answer to change), but I am so excited for my little one that I try to keep the big picture in mind.  I just hope I can keep the big picture in mind when baby is here and there are different struggles.  If having a baby is like marriage than it will be a blessing but more difficult than I can ever imagine now.

Take care my readers.  Can't you just wait for my book?  :-)  (Hey, I saw you roll your eyes :-)