Monday, July 4, 2011

But I'm taking my vitamins

I've also been thinking about babies.  Sorry, that's on my mind like all the time.  It takes real restraint NOT to talk about it.  I did all sorts of research and I know a little more of what is going on.  I started getting crazy stressed.  There are all sorts of do's and don'ts for this pre-pregnancy stage!  You know something I read said you could want to get pregnant too much, and then I started freaking out that I wanted it too much.  There's other crazy stuff, but some of it is stupid.  But, I'm taking my vitamins.  That's good, right?  I'm doing something right?  I only forget like three times a week.  

Okay, the big question for the week... I'm getting a massage next week.  Should I cancel it?  If I'm pregnant and don't know it, could it hurt the baby, even if it's a pea (smaller than a pea)?  Does this mean I can't get massages until I either get pregnant or know I can't get pregnant?  That's sad.  :-(  Ridiculous.

And what about hot tubs?  Am I restricted from them until forever too???  Hot tubs...  sad.

I'm still battling my anxiety, day by day.  Today it's felt easy.


  1. You shouldn't have to worry about massages. My sister has even gone to the chiropractor during pregnancies, it's actually very good for the mom and can't hurt the child. Hot tubs though on the other hand I have heard that those you have to be more careful of. I don't know if that is just a myth, but in any case I would be careful. My other sister tried getting pregnant for a year or two. They had to use fertilizers. Finally they got pregnant and now have an exciting little boy. The issue of why it was difficult for them to get pregnant was because she had some sort of genetic hormonal imbalance that causes her system or eggs or whatever to reject sperm. Like a built in pregnancy control. Too bad that's not something we all can have and turn on and off when we want it too. Anyways, just have faith. God is good. You will get pregnant when he wants you too. No earlier, no later.

  2. I'm no expert but I say go for the massage and enjoy it! But skip the hot tub for now... Besides, in this weather I don't know how one even thinks about getting into a hot tub...
