Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The day after Christmas

*written from my ipad which means more typing mistakes.

So, I have officially lost all the baby weight and can wear my skinny... pants (since they're cords).  I am proud of that, not that I was trying.  Silly to be proud of something I didn't really have anything to do with.  But hey.

Also, my boy is doing great.  Feeling better, with the help of meds and special formula.  My husband and I are doing great.  I am learning more about him and attain to be a better and better wife to him.

More kids?  Maybe.  In a while.  I am beginning to have a heart for adoption again.  Right after I had my boy, it was hard to consider loving another persons child, but I feel God's love for adoption more and more and am feeling drawn again.

Its been interesting to see my son's personality come out.  He is becoming more and more fun as he is becoming more interactive.  I think he may be as stubborn as my husband and me.  But sweeter than either of us too.

I am craving deep conversation, like I had so much of in college.  Not that I don't love talking about my kid, I do, but can we please talk about theology, politics, and relationship more?  Tell me, where does religion fit into your life?  What do you think of societies tendencies toward tolerance, but not respectful disagreement?  How do you think Obama's presidency will affect international policy?  What do you think of the disintegration of the family unit, and what do you think can/should be done?

Am I brave enough to share my opinions?  Sometimes, but honestly weather I'm in the Middle East or the US, I don't always feel I have the freedom to do so in just any medium.  What do you think?  Do you feel free to voice your opinion (respectfully, as all my friends naturally would) in any medium?

Moving on, I am reading a book called For Women Only, and I highly recommend it.  I am learning how to respect my husband in ways that translate to him.  Awesome book.  By the way, it's our five year anniversary on the 5th.  Five years married to my sexy man!  Best story ever is how we met.  Hmm, to tell or not to tell...

We met in Egypt.  I was standing on a bridge over the Nile. He was on the other side.  We saw each other.  Our eyes met.  True love?  We felt drawn toward each other.  We started running toward each other in slow motion.  Just kidding!  But we did meet in Egypt.

I went on a couple dates with this guy one summer.  At the end of the summer, my best friend at the time called and told me she was planning to go do an internship in Egypt the next year.  I needed to get an internship in as well since I was in the same major as her, so I asked if she would be okay with it if I applied too.  At some point, I learned the guy's sister was planning to visit her mom's orphanage in Cairo the next summer.  I thought it would be such a neat opportunity to go help out at the orphanage for a week or so when the internship was done, especially since my grandmother knew the family and respected their work there.  So I planned my departure back for the states a few weeks after the end of the internship.  Helping with the orphanage fell through (the rumor I heard was that the sister didn't like me).  My husband, however, was working in Cairo and he knew people in my program.  Groups of us would get coffee and watch movies.  My husband thought I was cute, and really respected my views.  I respected him, and I knew he shared my love of cultures and wanted to live over seas.  My husband had been praying for God to give him an opportunity to get to know me more, but wasn't sure that was possible since most of the people from my internship were leaving at the end of May.  God was gracious and used those extra few weeks I had planned in months before.  We got engaged soon after that, and are now happily married with our first little one.  God is good.

I would love to have more followers on my blog, but I would probably need to be les scatterbrained in my writing and also more consistent.  Maybe that will happen soon.